

Screening Removal Systems

AquaStep Screen

The wastewater or raw water from rivers or seawater inlets contain large floating objects, fibrous material or other foreign objects which will cause problems for downstream treatment and pumping equipment. These non-degradable objects have to be removed or they may lead to blockages.  These objects are called screenings.

Manual bar screens may be adequate for smaller plants, however a mechanical screen is normally used to remove the screenings from the water.

Mechanical screening is derived from different apertures and types. In terms of the aperture or size of the object that is to be removed, it is separated into fine screens and bar screens. Generally, we call all screens with an aperture less than 10mm diameter or gap for slot opening, fine screens.

The choice of aperture will affect the quantity and quality of the screening captured. If using fine screeing in conjunction with a gravity flow system, faecal matter will be captured together with screenings. This has to be kept in mind when designing the screening handling system. Aquatec Maxcon can offer various types of screening equipment to suit different applications.

Fine Screens

AquaStep Screen

  • Travelling belt type fine screen for water intake
  • Above Channel rotating Drum Screen
  • In channel Trommel Screen
  • Walking Step Type Fine Screen
  • Sieve Bend Static Screen

Coarse Screen (Bar Screen)

  • Rotary Type
  • Inclined type
  • Multiple Raked
  • Cable Driven
  • Climber Type
  • Back Rake Chain and Sprocket Type
  • Fully Rotary
  • Semi-Rotary

The choice of type of bar screen depends on the channel depth and width and preference for above water moving parts and headroom requirements. Engineers at Aquatec Maxcon can recommend a type of bar screen to suit your specific requirements.

Below are some of the products that Aquatec Maxcon offers:

       Aqua Band Screen